Thursday, January 28, 2010

Retreat cancelled

Well I am going to cancel the bead retreat.  I think the economy and the time of year is keeping people from spending money on 'non-essentials' right now.  But that's ok.  I have plenty to keep me busy.  I started taking violin lessons 2 weeks ago.  It is going to be an uphill battle since I can't read music and am tone deaf.  It is something I have wanted to do for years so I am giving it a go.  I have a real good teacher so I have a chance.
I am working on some Valentine cards and some layouts of Emma for my scrapbook too.
I have designed a necklace that is almost done entitled 'sea foam'.  It is done in peyote stitch and I used size 11 beads of various colors of the sea.  I love the way it is turning out.  But I can't figure out what kind of clasp to put on it.